Signed in as:
Grace Medical Care
Bulk Billing Medical Centre
Open 7 Days a Week
8am - 8pm
Same Day Appointments
New Patients Welcome
Grace Medical Care
Bulk Billing Walk In Clinic
@ the Health Hub extension site
Open Monday to Friday
Same Day Appointments
New Patients and Walk Ins Welcome
Doctors, Pharmacy, Optometrist, Dentist, Pathology*, Specialists, Radiology*
*accepts all pathology and radiology request forms
your one stop super medical centre
and all relevant allied health at the one convenient location @ Bateau Bay Square Shopping Centre, easy parking
Bulk billing allied health:
physiotherapists, chiropractors, psychologists, podiatrists and more
Pathology and Pharmacy open 7 days a week
Radiology open 6 days a week
Female and Male Doctors Available Daily
Get in to see your doctor of choice the same day you need to
Same day face to face and telehealth appointments available
*please note to be eligible for bulk billed telehealth/phone consults you must have had a face to face consultation in the last 12 months at Grace Medical Care or meet any of the Medicare exemptions
*please note some of our doctors are mixed/private billing
patient centred, value based, outcome focused comprehensive medical care
From 1 October 2023, MyMedicare is open for voluntary registration to Australians with a valid Medicare card or a Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA) Veteran card.
Start the registration process in your Medicare Online Account at https://www.servicesaustralia.gov.au/medicare-online-account or Express Plus Medicare Mobile app at https://www.servicesaustralia.gov.au/express-plus-medicare-mobile-app at Grace Medical Care
Benefits of registering:
When you register in MyMedicare, it will notify us that you have chosen us as your regular care team. Additional funding will be available from the government to help us provide the care you need.
MyMedicare patients will have access to:
-greater continuity of care with your registered practice, improving health outcomes
-longer Medicare Benefit Scheme (MBS) funded telehealth consultations with your GP
-triple bulk billing incentive for longer MBS telehealth consultations for children under 16, pensioners, and concession card holders, from 1 November 2023
-more regular visits from your GP and better care planning for people living in a residential aged care home, from August 2024
-connections to more appropriate care in general practice for people who visit hospital frequently, from mid-2024.
If you have any questions please call us on 43326000
Every month we like to give back to the community to support good causes and charities, both locally and nationally and we always welcome suggestions
if you were satisfied with your care, ability to book, 7 day convenience, 7 day bulk billing or any other positive experience you have had with us, our doctors and staff work hard and do their best and would appreciate a nice word to them via email, feedback sms or a Google/Facebook review, thank you again for choosing Grace Medical Care
Open today | 08:00 am – 08:00 pm |
10-12 Bay Village Road, Bateau Bay, New South Wales 2261, Australia
Open today | 09:00 am – 05:00 pm |
Grace Medical Care in Bateau Bay is a full service bulk billing medical centre in Bateau Bay Square
The centre has plenty of onsite parking and offers many other services for your convenience.
Onsite pathology, various allied health services, radiology and pharmacy to cater to all your medical needs in the one convenient location
The medical centre's Main site is located next to Bateau Bay Library and the Hub site is located next door facing the carpark between the two main mall entries
The shopping centre has all conveniences and major stores such as Woolworths, Coles, Kmart, Aldi and all major Banks and many more
We will always endeavour to see you when you need, and we typically have same-day appointments available everyday.
To book please call 02 4332 6000 or click on the Book Online/Book Now boxes.
We run by appointments so please contact us prior to attending, new patients are welcome and will be fitted in at the earliest available time
We also take walk ins
Thank you for your ongoing support and thank you for choosing Grace Medical Care
Experienced and dedicated physicians, nurses and admin staff that base success on patients' long-term good health and wellbeing, through patient centred comprehensive and preventive accessible care.
We believe in outcome focused personalised care based on your individual health needs and concerns.
We believe that communication and collaboration between doctor and patient is the key to achieving results.
All doctors here have various areas of interest and specialties to comprehensively cater to your health care needs.
We are committed to the Central Coast and to providing quality, comprehensive and accessible bulk billed medical care.
Bulk billing * Main Site
Open 7 days a week 8am to 8pm
Bulk billing * Walk In Clinic Health Hub
Open Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm
Paediatric, Adult and Geriatric health care
Ingrown toenails
Online cannabis scripts*
Skin checks
Skin Cancer Clinic
Skin Grafting/Flaps procedures*
Women's health
Men's health
Health Assessments
Chronic Disease management, reversal and prevention
Preventive Health Care
Iron Infusions *
Adult and Paediatric Immunisations
Flu Shots *
Covid-19 vaccinations
Holter Monitor
After hours service
Minor operations & procedures
Pre employment medicals*
Various clinics and Allied health
Travel health
Yellow fever vaccinations *
Mental health
Bone density screening
Pathology collection 7 days a week
Telehealth consultations *
Telephone consultations *
and more...
Female and male Doctors available daily for your convenience
Regular cervical screening, skin cancer, mental health, weight loss and cosmetic/anti-wrinkle clinics throughout the week
For your convenience we have pathology collection on site 7 days a week
For other services and clinics or if there are relevant medical services you'd like us to offer please contact us
We have various bulk billing allied health professionals on site, for more details please inquire at reception
*please note services not covered by Medicare will incur fees
*please note some of our doctors are mixed/private billing
*please note telehealth/telephone consultations for new patients or non current patients will incur fees
A very big warm welcome to Dr Greg, Dr Kalaji, Dr Malhotra, Dr Albert, Dr Negar and Dr Christina to Grace Medical Care
Grace Medical Care Walk In Clinic has expanded into the Health Hub site
Female and male Doctors available daily for your convenience
Every month we like to give back to the community and to good causes, we now want your suggestions and input on which charities or causes you’d like us to donate to, so please give your suggestions on the link below
2025 flu vaccines in stock soon, free for eligible patients or for $9.99 privately, please call 43326000
You can now request a repeat prescription online from Grace Medical Care. Just submit your request, it will be reviewed by your doctor, then you can collect from the practice
We would love to hear your comments and feedback, as well as if you have any questions, please let us know by clicking the Contact Us button below
Dear Grace patients, we have updated our booking interface so its even easier to book online now. If you would like to make an appointment but are unable to get through to us on the phone please book online below